
Friday, February 12, 2010

Crafting on a whole new level.

I love crafting. I really do. I primarily crochet (hence the name Sans Limites CROCHET) and it is a skill I am quite comfortable with. Lately, I've decided to try branching out a little.

I've started knitting. I'm starting to get comfortable enough with that so I have started making some simple hats. A few of them are seen on my Etsy page, www.SansLimitesCrochet.etsy .com... so check those out if you feel so inspired.

The next craft I have started tackling is sewing. My mother dearest bought me a sewing machine when I was selling at the Salt Lake Farmers Market. This involved many long hot days in the sun... where people were not so into trying on, or even thinking about hats. So I started making crochet dresses. The sewing involved is very minimal (attaching a crochet top to a tube of nice cotton fabric), but I learned how to work the machine. I still can't follow a pattern, but I whipped this up last week in honor of the Super Bowl!!!

So, normally, I really don't care about the Super Bowl. Admittedly, the only football I follow or care about is the University of Utah UTES!!! But I was born in New Orleans, and after hearing stories of my Dad's trips to Saints games with a bag over his head and dubbing them the Ain'ts 25 years ago, I was completely pumped to watch them make it to (AND WIN!!!) the Super Bowl for the first time EVER!!! WOOO! So I was determined to have a Saints T-shirt for Super Bowl Sunday... and here in Salt Lake City, the only T-shirt left was a size Large - literally big enough that it could be a dress on me... So I turned it into one. Thank you, dear little sewing machine! I'm newly inspired... might even try following a pattern in the near future!

The next craft I want to tackle? Beading. I recently joined a Samba Drum and Dance Group (because not having some music to move to was starting to get me down). In March they have a competition for Queen of Samba, where you make your own costumes. The traditional Samba costume is a beaded bikini top, fancy beaded belt/dress thing, and a feathered headdress. I thought about crocheting a samba costume... and images of a granny square bikini popped into my head which just made me giggle.... Beading is my next crafting frontier.

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