
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Research Workbooks and Lessons from High School

I've been listening to a great new podcast called Craftypod with Sister Diane. She was suggesting carrying a notebook around to take notes of ideas, inspirations, and arty crafty ideas. This sounded somewhat familiar...

So when I was in high school I was part of something called the IB Program (International Baccalaureate). Shout out to all the IBKIDS! In the IB program you have to do 3 Higher Level courses (HL's) and take massive exams in those subjects after two years of intense class work. My 3 HL's? History, Literature, and ART!

As part of the Art HL program we were required to make about 20 works of art and fill 2 Research Workbooks (RWB's ... the IB program is filled with odd abbreviations). These were basically very very full sketchbooks/notepads where we planned our art pieces and researched other artists that inspired us.

While it was a bit taxing at times, I learned so much from the process... so now... it is time for a Sans Limites Crochet Research Workbook... new ideas, new life, new love to all my projects!

My high school research workbook...

A crochet art project from IB Art HL...

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