
Thursday, November 8, 2012


There are a lot of things going on over here... time for an update!

1. The pattern book is selling great so far!  Check out the side bar of the blog over here ------->
and buy a copy from Annie's Attic!    8 great patterns for only $9... that's a pretty awesome deal!

2.  In the process of getting Amanda's Dress, Diana's Dress, and the Weekender Bag available for downloads on the Annie's Attic website.  Amanda's Dress is in need of some serious higher quality photos... so... photo shoot this weekend! YAY!

3.  Also in the process of getting the Beach Sweater into a great online magazine for next summer!  Check out Inspired Crochet - a digital magazine!  Working on my graphic design skills today... they are somewhat lacking...

4. Still making lots of new exciting things for Renegade and a January feature in the boutique Kansas City Kitty!  In need of an epic stitch n b*tch!

5.  Yesterday was Nov 7, which means one month left of the clothing challenge!  I haven't bought a NEW piece of clothing since JUNE!  BOOM!  (Although I am in pretty desperate need of a new white tank top... which is hard to find thrifted...)

6. And unrelated to stitching... last night I returned to my modern dance roots and went and saw Ailey II!  Anyone seen them?  Revelations is still the most impressive and historically significant  dance piece I've seen in real life... fighting back tears the whole first half and the urge to get up and dance the whole second half.  Check 'em out...

Of course the actual piece is very long... these are just the highlights... really so amazing!

 7.  AND FINALLY...  OK!  I need some advice and honest feedback from my Etsy customers and fellow sellers.  I sell both patterns and finished items in my little online shop.  To distinguish between the two, I have them in different shop sections and all patterns have the word PATTERN in the title, picture, tag, and description.  Still, I have a lot of customers buying patterns and expecting a bag in the mail... yikes!  Anyone else have this problem?  Any creative solutions?

Ok... and that's it.  Still working on the two knit hat patterns I'm hoping to get out this week... I just got too distracted with Ailey excitement yesterday!  EEK!  So good!  Definitely go see them if they are coming to a city near you!

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