You always need a cute little black dress. Grab a plain looking mini dress (or make one yourself, if you're a sewer) and add this border to the bottom to make it look extra styling.
I'm going for the more delicate look so I'm using size 3 crochet thread and a D hook. You will also need a needle and thread.
Start by chaining a multiple of 10, plus 2 that will cover your chosen dress hem.
Row 1: 1sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc of previous row. Turn.
Row 3: Ch 2. *1 dc in first sc. Ch 1 and skip the next stitch of previous row. Repeat from * across. End with 1 dc in the final stitch. Turn.
Row 4-5: As Row 3.
Make the filet crochet pattern that appears in the below diagram. The pattern spans over 10 stitches.
Or, read the following instructions...
Row 6: Ch 2. *1 dc in each of the next 2 dc. (1dc in next dc, Ch 1 and skip next st of previous row) 4 times. Repeat from * across. End with a dc in the final stitch.
Row 7: Ch 2. *1dc in each of the next 2 dc. (1dc in next dc, Ch 1 and skip next st of previous row) 2 times. 1dc in each of the next 4 stitches. Repeat from * across. End with a dc in the final stitch.
Row 8: Ch 2. *1 dc in dc of previous row. Ch 1 and skip next st of previous row. 1 dc in each of the next 8 stitches. Repeat from * across. End with a dc in the final stitch.
Row 9: Ch 2. *1dc in each of the next 3 dc. Ch 3 and skip the next 3 stitches of previous row. 1 dc in each of the next 4 dc. Repeat from * across. End with a dc in the final stitch.
Row 10: Ch 2. *1dc in each of the next 3 stitches. Skip the next 3 dc of previous row. (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in ch-3 space of previous row. Skip the next 3 dc of previous row. Repeat from * across. 1dc in final stitch. Turn.
Row 11: Ch 1. 1sc in first st. *Ch 2 and skip 3dc of previous row. (1Dc, Ch1, 1Dc, Ch1, 1Dc, Ch1, 1Dc) in ch-1 space of previous row. Ch 2 and skip 3 dc of previous row. 1 sc in center dc of next set of 3dc of previous row. Repeat from * across. Turn.
Row 12: Ch 1. Make 1 sc in each stitch of previous row. In the center ch-1 space of the pointed part make (1 sc. 1sc, Ch3, and sl st into the top of the second sc you have just made. 1 sc).
Now cut, bind off, weave in loose ends. Sew this crochet piece you have just made to the bottom of your little black dress!
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