
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So...  I've been going a little coo coo nuts seeing all the black Friday commercials this week and all the stores open on Thanksgiving!  Don't you think it's a bit ironic that the day we are supposed to be giving thanks for all we have is now a day devoted to shopping - probably for stuff we don't really need?  UGH... ick.

So... that had me down.... and I seriously have a zillion papers to write (50 pages down- who knows how much more to go!).

But what was REALLY bumming me out was not being able to see my sister this Thanksgiving.  FIRST TIME without her.  About a year and a half ago, she moved to Boston to start a PhD program at Harvard.  She is brilliant, bright, funny, and a complete joy to be around.  I brag about her all the time and miss her so much!  We've known since the semester started she probably wouldn't make it out this year - she has to turn in all the work for her Pre- Qualifying Exam (PQE) this week and is ridiculously busy.  We didn't even want to visit her in Boston and distract her or stress her out.

So yesterday morning we were sending facebook messages back and forth while both working like mad on our school work and joking about Skyping her in on dinner and if Skype had a teleport pie function... and I was missing her so. darn. much!  Ugh... yesterday was a rough one...

Well... one of my favorite sister moments was during my Freshman year of college.  I had just moved away and we were missing each other quite a lot.  Amanda was on dance team and cheerleading (YES... she is brilliant AND talented... you'll just have to meet her one day) and she was competing at nationals in Las Vegas.  I called her a few times to tell her how sad I was that I couldn't be there before I hopped on a plane to Vegas...  I knocked on her hotel room and hid, when she answered the door- first she looked angry, then confused, then happy, then so happy she started crying.  So proud I was able to surprise her!

Well, last night I went to bed feeling a bit bummed.  In the middle of the night Amanda burst into my room and flipped on all the lights...  First I was angry, then confused, then happy, then so happy I started crying.  BEST. FREAKIN. SURPRISE. EVERRRRRR!

Amanda's arrival got me right into the holiday spirit- which was so sadly missing yesterday.  I hope you all have the most amazing Thanksgiving with the people you love.  I am so so so thankful for my family, holiday surprises, and all of you.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Love, Sara (and Amanda too! YAY!)

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