Friday, February 22, 2013

Stella Jean

I'm taking a computer aided apparel design class right now.  We have to design two lines for the class... and of course I'm hoping to use crochet in mine...

So I'm in the midst of trend analyzing and market researching...

And I'm hoping... (maybe when the semester calms?)  to actually make what I design on the computer... and tell you how I did it!

Right now I'm inspired by this amazing Italian designer, Stella Jean.  She combines European style and culture with African style and culture in an attempt to make something completely different and totally awesome.

She is quoted as saying, "I would like to show how it is possible to melt very different culture with no limits, but at the same time keep the respect and consciousness of the traditions."   - Stella Jean

Pretty awesome idea, huh?

Check out her work below to see if she succeeded.  I say yes.

All images from!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool costume. very different designer dresses.