Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oh Hey School...

Soooo.... yeah.

The first draft of my thesis proposal AND the market research report for my product development class are all due this week.  Plus I have to figure out how to draw a croquis on the computer by Thursday... don't know what a croquis is? Hahaha. Neither did I...

*I spelled "due" like "do"  first go around... solid proof my brain has stopped working...

There is not a lot of stitching this week, and it makes me sad... hopefully it will be made up for in the next week... gotta get ready for a BOMB photo shoot going down in one month and two days (get excited).

And that's all that's going on with me... hope you all are stitching happy (I wish I was)!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you will find time to stitch soon. I always enjoy your creations! :)
I have also nominated you for a Liebster Award, I really do enjoy your blog. I hope you have a wonderful day!
God bless!

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