Thursday, April 12, 2012

So much to do... so little time

This Friday is a line review meeting over at KKi... so I'm stitching every free minute I get.
We also happened to get about a zillion bowties we had to package.
My fingers are cramping and even bled a little... So... yeah... blog posts are lacking this week... there's just not enough time or energy left.
On the plus side, this Friday is gonna be a wicked good time over at the KKi warehouse so if you live ANYWHERE in SoCal... you should probably come. Come say hi to me playing bartender... I'm crossing my sore fingers I don't spill or break anything... cause I'm kinda good at that. Best part? The money you pay to have a good time is helping to empower women in Africa and South America to rise above poverty... and that's pretty darn cool.
Check out the facebook event!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Hey Sara! I nominated your blog for a Liebster Blog Award! Check it out here